Wednesday, April 16, 2014



As you can see, this is my first post on this blog! I'm just starting things up around here, so it may be kind of messy for a while. However, I'm working really hard to set things up. (The perfectionist in me is causing this process to take forever!)

The title of the blog is supposed to be a play on the phrase "(such and such) rocks my socks!" ;) Hehe. Subscription boxes rock my socks...right? Eh? I'm trying! Haha. (You'll quickly find out that I'm quite an awkward person!)

This blog will be dedicated to reviewing subscription boxes. I plan on trying out a whole bunch of different ones! For now it's not totally in my budget to try a whole lot since I'm in college and not working at the moment, but I'll post what I can! Please keep in mind that this blog may also detail personal happenings of my life, so you never know what might get mixed in! But I will try to keep those kinds of comments to a minimum and focus mainly on what I came here to do--share subscription boxes with you!

Subscription boxes are a great way to try a variety of new things without having to search for them or pay for the full-sized products that you haven't tried yet. I like to be able to make the pros and cons of these products available to you, too! I'll do my best to give an honest review for every box I get so that my readers can have the best idea of what's out there and what you might want to subscribe to. I'll also try to calculate an accurate value for what's inside each box, and compare it with the price paid for the boxes so you have a good idea of whether or not you're getting your money's worth out of them.

For right now, I only have one subscription, and I haven't even received the first box yet! But when I do, you can be sure that I'll update this blog! I'll try to be as frequent as possible and update as quickly as I get boxes in. Stay tuned for some awesome stuff. I appreciate any comments/suggestions! :)


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